Arms & Abs

Cable Rope Curls5 x 1530 sec rest in between sets, use moderate weight, keep elbows close to your body, and focus on bicep contraction
Cable Rope Tricep Extensions5 x 1530 sec rest in between sets, keep elbows close to your body, and focus on tricep contraction
Dumbbell Skull Crushers4 x 15

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Do not move your elbows, focus on tricep contraction. Move right into the next exercise with no rest.
Standing Alt Bicep Curls4 x 15 (each arm)Use the same weight as the DB skull crushers and focus on bicep contraction
Sit Ups On Incline Bench5 x 20

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Nice and controlled, do not rush through the movement
Reverse Crunches 5 x 20Nice and controlled, do not rush through the movement